Our Mission

We exist to bring people to Jesus.

We live with each other in agreement
for the purposes of Christ.

Our Vision


  • We are committed to teaching from the Word of God, the Bible. Each service is an engaging and relevant message centered on Biblical principles.

  • The Central Church praise and worship experience is primarily a pursuit of God’s presence. Our music exalts the character of our Lord through a contemporary style of worship.

  • Yes! 252 Kids is a place where your kids learn that God loves them, God has a plan for them, and God is bigger than any need.

    Our kids programs provide a warm and caring environment for each child. It is staffed by our dedicated volunteer workers. Each class includes a wide variety of activities appropriate for each age group.

  • Some people come in their Sunday best while others in jeans and t-shirts; it’s really up to you.

  • Our Sunday morning services are at 9:30am & 11:00am and our Wednesday service is 6:30pm. Each service lasts about 65 minutes. After the service we encourage you to meet our Pastors, and connect with the many loving people of Central Church.

  • There is no financial expectation of our guests. However, as a church, we do believe that “where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Matthew 6:21).” By tithing and giving offerings, you will experience great blessings from God.

  • We have plenty of parking available in the front of our facilities and also a reserved parking area for our first time guests.


If you would like to connect and learn more about our church family, fill in the information below: